Final Rubric and Analysis
Impact on Audience
Being current college students, we are
the ones who are taking out student loans.
Over 2/3 of college students currently
have student loans taken out.
In 2011 our country surpassed 1 trillion
dollars in student loans debt
angle on Student loans
I believe that state funding for public
schooling needs to be increased in order to fix our student loan crisis. The government
needs to set up programs instructing students to take out loans in a more responsible
and reasonable manner. The state needs to generate a greater amount of
scholarships for high school seniors.
To inform ISU students on the commitment
they are making when taking out student loans. They should be knowledgeable on
the current situation our government is in.
To list and express possible options to
improve the student loan system in our country.
Employees at financial aid office
Students in library/Bone center
All my articles begin with important
facts that grab the reader’s attention, winth statistics pertaining to the
current problem in the system
The middle of the articles consisted of
mostly personal opinions or thoughts on the current system in place for student
loans, and possible options to improve it.
The ending of the articles consisted of
a personal statement that relates the article with you, and a statistic that
usually is quite shocking.
All used professional style language, in
an article format, consisted of paragraphs to separate speech. Some contained
video to go along with the article.
This is a good start. The bullet points under your "analysis" section should be under other categories as everything you've written here comes from some sort of analysis. Consider rewording some of this to be less specific to your own articles (i.e. not referencing your specific articles, using the word "my," etc.). Also consider what you mean exactly what you say certain terms. If you say the articles were "professional" and "formal," what does that mean? How did you know that they were this--what words, sentences structure, formats, etc. gave off these ideas for you?