Final Blog
As unit one is coming to an end I
feel that I am in the full swing of things in our English 101 class. At first I
was unorganized, and disoriented to the foreign classroom criteria and methods. I struggled with the learning blogs and wasn’t
use to the sort of freedom in the writing process that you encouraged. Now we
were still obligated to create rubrics outlining the main ideas and aspects of
our articles. This was also a new technique to writing that I was unfamiliar
with. After creating the rubric I felt that it was highly beneficial to my
organization and focus of my articles final outcome. I created the rubric by
collecting information from numerous online sources either pertaining directly to
topic or other issues that were related to my main topic. Another aspect of
class that I felt really benefited my writing process was the in class peer evaluation
sessions. This past Monday, I received a lot of positive feedback from my peer
evaluation group members. Not only did I feel that the information I received was
helpful, but also my evaluation of the groupmemebers articles helped better my
final product of my article. Like I stated earlier many of my past English teachers
taught with very strict and concrete teaching methods and format. I feel that
in my current course grammar and format are much less emphasized in the writing
process. So far I have felt that since I am not harboring as much focus on
grammar and structure that I have been writing more fluently and frequently as
ever in my scholastic career. I know this sounds farfetched but I feel that the
experiences I have learned so far in class can be used in everyday life.
Students always complain about how they will never use class material in everyday
life. Just in the short amount of time that I have been enrolled in this class
I have learned how to use a learning blog and interact within the blog
community. I have functioned in peer groups feeding off each other’s ideas and criticism.
I felt that the skills practiced in peer editing groups could better prepare me
for the corporate world. So in conclusion to unit 1, I have enjoyed the new
approaches I have used thus far and feel
I have consumed plenty of useful
information thus far. Not only
scholastically but also information that can be used in everyday life.
You have some really good ideas in this learning blog. I'm glad that you can see that some of the skills you are learning in this class are transferable, that, in most situations in the real world, someone won't hand you a rubric on how to do something. Rather, you'll have to figure out how something work (and do it) yourself.