Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Final Learning Blog
            With the semester over it is time to reflect on all the work we have done over the last several months. I must say that this class has been vastly different than any other english class I have ever taken. I actually can say that I enjoyed this class more than any other english class in recent history. There was some roadblocks on the way but all in all it was definitley a good learning expirience.
            Right off the bat our class was assigned to individually create a blog. I myself being technically unsavy had a little bit of trouble with this. In most other english classes I have taken the most technology used would be Microsoft Word. After being open to the idea and using the blog for a couple weeks I really enjoyed it. The class blogg made it much easier for me to communicate with my classmates and bounce ideas off of eachother. One of my other major flaws throughout my educational career has been my organization. The blogg allowed me to view all my past assignments, and keep them organzied. This helped a lot because I do have a tendencie to misplace my class materials.
            After getting situated with the new technology, it was time for our first assignment. We were assigned to write a research article. I wrote my article on student loans, I felt this was a good topic to research being a student myself and dealing with the issue currently. I believe the on campus interviews provided really insightful information for all my readers. One of the most interesting assignments that we were required to do was the juxtaposition piece. This was a group project. After participating in athletics, clubs, etc I have worked in groups my whole life. Put I had no clue what a juxtaposition was, the whole idea of simply changing the format of which a piece of writng is deliverd was intriguing to me.

“ I felt that this assignment really opened my mind to different pieces of writing and the different formats that information is tranfered as.”

            I must say that the last assignment we had gave me the most trouble. I have written numerous of articles in my academic career but none like this. The idea of me writing an article on the process of creating a piece of literature was difficult to me for some reason. I had to make multiple rough drafts just to be in a position to write my final draft. I think after brainstorming in my conference it made it much simpler for me to do. I ended up doing my article on something that I was around for my whole life and hold a strong interest for, which always makes writing easier.

“ The whole idea behind this assignment really gave me a greater understanding of literature in general, I was always subjected to thinking literature to be strictly academic. After completing the assignment I learned that literature is all around us, and each form of writing has several aspects to creating it”.

            After completing this course I can honestly say that I stopped focusing so much on grammar, and formal writing errors and really began to understand literature. The whole k-12 basis behind english really sets up our basic understand for english, allows us to communicate with others over text and not be completely illiterate. After this course I can say that my appreciation for the Englihs language is at a new level.

Friday, April 13, 2012

424 K Stevenson

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Juxtaposition Project/ Final learning Blog

It has been a daily routine worldwide to wake up with a fresh a cup of coffee and to sit down with a newspaper for almost as long as anybody can remember. Now there is really no significant need for change in the traditional newspaper. It is convenient enough, most people when reading the newspaper are relaxing at their kitchen table getting ready to start the day. But one day I came up with the idea of having a newspaper being printed on playing cards. You may ask why someone would ever do such a thing. Now I am saying it’s just an idea any many people may disagree with it, but there certainly are some benefits to having your everyday news printed on a deck of cards. What if you wanted to specifically bring one certain article that intrigued you along to work or wherever you were going that day? With are current newspaper most you would have to cut out the certain piece or article to make transport of it more convenient, if the articles were printed on one single card or in some cases two or three it would be an issue. You could simply separate the few cards from the deck and bring them along with you. It would also cut back enormously on everyday recycling. Our world is supposedly “Going Green” we have come up with solutions, for cars, lights, even containers, bottles etc. But why have we never thought of changing our newspapers. A newspaper is an everyday object just like a car. Think of how much paper we use up with newspapers. I know that now a days most all articles are printed online, but that does not mean that the use for a hard copy newspaper is obsolete. Because it isn’t! The idea of a newspaper printed on playing cards would also increase drastically the number of children and young adults who read newspapers. Currently there is far from enough of young people who actually read newspapers. Now I am not saying that you should jump on the bandwagon and immediately think that the traditional newspaper format needs to be eliminated and we should all start printing articles on playing cards but it is something to think about. I recently surveyed a handful of people asking them multiple questions on how they would respond to this new form of obtaining news. Sean, a 19 year old student who attends Illinois State University said “I never in a million years would have thought of reading news from a deck of cards, I think it is an interesting idea but I don’t know how the older generation of readers would react to it”. Now I have to say this is the last the thing that came to my mind, but he does make a valid point. My uncles, aunts, parents, and grandparents have been reading the news how it currently is for years and probably would not be happy with the change. I mean if you think about it, it is probably one of the last things they have left from their generation. Just throughout my lifetime the cellphone has emerged, DVD players, laptop computers, the newspaper is one of the last things that is familiar to them. So I thought who would be better to ask then my own father. I mean he is one of those Americans who wake up bright and early in the morning with a cup of coffee and his morning paper every day, just like clockwork. Now you don’t my dad and for those who do know that he doesn’t like to be told he is wrong, and he definitely is not too big of a fan of someone changing something on him, or telling him what to do. Just a few days ago I had my dad fill out the survey that I have created. Before I had him do this I thought that it would only be fair if I gave him a brief explanation on my idea. Surprisingly he agreed with many points that I had made. My father being an engineer is always on the move, so he thought that the mobility of the news being on cards and quick accessibility would definitely come in handy for him.  He wasn’t a hundred percent sold on the idea of him reading his daily quotas off of a deck of cards but believed that there were many interesting points that I had made. All in all I believe that my proposal of news being printed and distributed on playing cards is not too crazy after all who knows one day it could make millions, maybe even billions.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Proposal for GWRJ Article

. A general topic description

·         I am interested in writing on the genre of college athletic funding, and issues on where the money is ultimately being placed towards.

2. Describe the specific genre(s) that your article will explore (if any)

·         My article will go in depth on what sports receive the majority of funding towards scholarships, equipment, facilities, etc. And a possibility of salaries for college athletes.

3. An explanation of the author's perspective (i.e. are you planning to create a personal narrative of your own experience, or to research how other people writer, or what?)

·         I was involved in the college recruiting process my junior and senior year of high school so i will use my personal own experiences, plus do extensive research on the subject.

4. Potential use of visual elements

·         Potential visual elements would be data on attendance for sporting events and annual revenue the school brings in.

5. Discuss your plans for citing research in your articles

·         I will cite my research using in text citations and a bibliography for my final article

Monday, April 2, 2012

Read for Wednsday
Pg. 21- Koehler (theotorical)
Plus teacher article

  1. Set up of basic info on what the article contains
  2. Writers situation in relation to the article situation
  3. Obstacles faced by writers
  4. Writers process they go through
  5. Simple graphics maybe to help reader understand article more vividly
  6. Simple to read, somewhat enjoyable
  7. Sections of articles broken up by topic or titles
  8. Not only spoke of their role in article but factors that may have aided them in sucess or failure
  9. Stories both involve research
  10. Both students attended or attend ISU graduate school program